Sunday, November 11, 2012

The gift of the Goddess

Since my departure from the patriarchal, shaming world of the Roman Catholic church, one of the greatest gifts I have been blessed with is realizing and celebrating the magic in life. I've opened myself to the wonders that the universe holds and in return, have received spiritual gifts that delight my soul and cement my belief that I was created in joy and should live in joy.

One of the greatest gifts I've discovered is that of being woman. Where once I was taught that women are subservient to men, inately evil and in fact the downfall of humankind (the myth of Adam and Eve), I know celebrate the magic and mystery that is my birthright.

The traditional views regarding human sexuality, especially where women are concerned as expressed and taught by the religions of Christianity, Islam and Judeaism, are a far cry from the beauty that Old Religion gives us.

Once, women were held in honor because of their gift to bring life into the world. It was women who chose their sexual partners, and inheritence was passed down the woman's line. Marriage as we know it, didn't exist. Two people came together in love and mutual consent, then when either felt the need to pursue another direction, this decision was respected by all. This way of life does not equate to promiscuity as we would lable it today. Physical love did not have the stigma or chains we attach to it today.

Union between men and women was often an integral component of worship and celebration in the Old Religion. What greater way to honor the life force but to come together in a life affirming way?

It's sad to me that gifts the Goddess has given us women have been reduced to what has been dictated to us by misogynists in power. Our innate sensual selves have been oppressed for so long, that I fear that many of us do not even recognize our power and magic.

Each woman owes it to her love relationship partner, her sons and daughters, her world, and most especially herself, to be open to the gifts of the Goddess and delight in her womanhood and the beauty of her sexuality
